The "Oregano Influencer Awards" nominations process is a crucial phase that sets the stage for recognizing and celebrating outstanding contributions within the influencer community.

Nominations are an opportunity for the community, industry experts, and fans alike to shine a spotlight on influencers who have left a lasting impact through creativity, authenticity, and innovation. Here's an overview of the nomination process:



  1. Open Call for Nominations: The process begins with an open call for nominations, inviting the community and industry stakeholders to put forward influencers deserving of recognition. This ensures a democratic and inclusive approach, allowing for a wide range of voices to be heard.
  2. Nomination Submissions: Individuals can submit nominations through a dedicated platform, providing details about the influencer, their achievements, and the specific category they are being nominated for. The submission process is streamlined to gather comprehensive information that helps the jury in the evaluation process.
  3. Community Involvement: To foster community engagement, a portion of the nominations will be open to public voting. This not only adds an interactive element to the awards but also allows influencers to garner support from their fan base.



  1. Shortlisting Round: In this phase, influencers nominated for the "Oregano Influencer Awards" undergo an initial shortlisting process. The criteria for shortlisting are based on community engagement and support:
    1. Nomination Post Engagement:
      • Influencers are encouraged to share their nominations on social media platforms.
      • The number of likes on the nomination post is a key metric for gauging community support.
    2. Ethical Engagement:
      • Influencers are explicitly instructed not to use unethical methods or digital advertising to boost their engagement.
      • The emphasis is on organic community support, ensuring a fair and level playing field.
    3. Top 5 Selection:
      • The top 5 influencers with the highest engagement (likes) in each category proceed to the final round.
      • This stage emphasizes community involvement and celebrates influencers with genuine support from their audience.
  2. Jury Round: The final round involves a comprehensive evaluation by an expert panel. The jury assesses influencers based on multiple criteria to ensure a holistic understanding of their impact:
    1. Innovation and Conceptualization:
      • Evaluation of influencers' ability to introduce fresh and innovative ideas in their content or campaigns.
      • Recognition of influencers who push creative boundaries and contribute to the evolution of their niche.
    2. Quality and Execution:
      • Scrutiny of the overall quality and execution of content or campaigns.
      • Consideration of production values, attention to detail, and the ability to deliver a polished and professional presentation.
    3. Virality and Impact:
      • Assessment of the reach and impact of influencers' content or campaigns.
      • Recognition of influencers who have successfully captured audience attention and created a significant online presence.
    4. Creativity:
      • Evaluation of the influencers' creative prowess and ability to think outside conventional boundaries.
      • Acknowledgment of influencers who bring a unique and imaginative perspective to their work.
    5. Comprehensive Analysis:
      • The jury's deliberation involves a thorough discussion of each nominee, taking into account all the specified criteria.
      • Scores are assigned based on the influencers' performance in each criterion, leading to a well-rounded and fair evaluation.


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